Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Let's try this again

I really want to be more consistent with my blog. I enjoy reading blogs and I want to make mine enjoyable to read as well. I read about a contest that MckMama is having over here She has some of the cutest little babies you've ever seen. She is co-hosting a "Raffle-Way" so go check it out!

Good luck!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Time Flies

I can't believe it's already the end of August. It's almost Labor Day weekend. We have a busy weekend. Shane will be 1 on Friday. I can't believe it! We're having his birthday party on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday, my cousin is coming in from Montgomery and we're going to celebrate her daughter's 2nd birthday and on Monday, Labor Day, we're going to celebrate Jordan's 10th birthday. Can you say icing overload?!? I wanted to get the vacation pictures up here (since it's been over a month). I will update with pictures from 3 b-day parties sometime next week.

Here are my babies on the beach at Gulf Shores.

Here are my girls.

Here is Shane looking for something else to play with at the beach.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

There I go again

Well, it's been a while again huh? I have been extremely busy. Since my last post we have had Lauren's birthday party, gone on vacation and we are currently in the midst of Vacation Bible School. We have also lost a very dear friend. His name was Allen. My husband and I have known him all our lives. His mom babysat me when I was little. My husband grew up with Allen's youngest brother. He was a very good person and he is greatly missed. His funeral was standing room only. It was unbelievable the number of people that were at the church. I didn't want to make this post a downer - I just wanted to explain why I've been gone so long.

So how about some pictures?

Here's Lauren opening birthday presents

Posing with the birthday cake

Swimming with cousins

Here are a few pics from VBS

Shane lovin' VBS

Lauren during the smiling contest

Jordan swinging after VBS snacks

I'll save the vacation pics for another post. Stay tuned!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Thursday, June 12, 2008

My babies

Here are some pictures of my babies from August 29, 2007.

Here are the girls waiting for baby brother to arrive.

Lulu's reaction to seeing the baby.

Jordan was smitten from the moment she saw him.

Baby Shane just hours old.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

What a smile!

Lulu lost one of her top middle teeth a couple of weeks ago. The other one has been loose and she refuses to yank it out.

Until Friday night. She had wiggled it and it was only hanging on by a thread. Under duress from her dad - she twisted it until it came out.

In other tooth news, Jordan has to go back to the orthodontist in a couple of weeks for her Jones jig appliance. We are not thrilled about this. Hopefully her time will go quickly and she can get it off before she is miserable. No pics focusing on her teeth right now but here's one in her softball uniform. Her team is raising money to go to the World Series. We had nothing to do with the team name. The coach came up with it. Whatever.

As for Shane, he is STILL not crawling. He acts like he might try to crawl but then he just cries until someone picks him up or sets him on his bottom. Still no teeth either. Oh well, I am sure he will catch up sooner or later. Here's a pic of him in the doorway jumper. He loves that thing! (Thanks Wendy!)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Summer Camp

The girls started summer day camp this week. I have been a little worried about it because I didn't know all of the kids or counselors that would be there. I took them in on the first day and they were fine. When I got home (Eric picked them up), they said they both had a great time. I was so relieved!

They will have several activities every week. On Tuesdays they will go swimming. I told them I would come to the pool during my lunch to watch them for a few minutes (and check out the facilities) but they couldn't cry when it was time for me to go back to work. "No, mom, we won't cry!" they promised. I got there today and they were so excited to see me. As an aside, I LOVE being a mom! They make you feel like a rock star sometimes - just for showing up. Anyway, when it was time for me to leave, you guessed it - Lauren started crying. Good grief! I told her that I had to go back to work and she had to go back to summer camp. She stopped crying but walked ever so slowly back to the pool. I waved bye to them and when I was out of sight I peeked back at them and she was fine. Playing, splashing, laughing. That's my Lulu!

Tomorrow they are going to a Lookouts game. Jordan wants a foam finger. Lauren doesn't know what she wants. She will browse the gift shop and probably end up buying some candy at the concession stand. Oh well, as long as they have fun, right?

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Loving the pool!

We took the kids to the pool today. Jordan has always loved the pool and she's a very good swimmer. Lauren likes the pool too. She is becoming a swimmer this year. I think by the end of summer, she'll be able to get in with no floaties. I didn't know how Shane would like it. I lathered him up with 50 SPF sunblock and got in with him. He LOVED it! He kicked his little feet and splashed with his hands. I put him in a baby float and he just grinned. I hope he'll like the sand when we go to the beach in July. Here are some pictures from today. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

School's Out

Well, I should have more time to post now that school is out. I don't have to work on homework every evening so that will free up some time. Jordan had straight A's again on her report card! She did so well this year. Star Roll all year. I am so proud of her! Lauren did great too. She was tested to determine her reading level at the end of the school year and she tested to the end of 2nd grade! Not too shabby for a kindergartener, huh? Very proud of her! Shane is still not crawling. He doesn't have any teeth. He is content to sit back and let his sisters be the over-achievers in this family. He is beginning to sleep a little better. I'll take whatever I can get in the form of sleep - it's few hours and far between with him.

The kids start summer camp on Monday. It's our first year and I hope they enjoy it. I wish I could stay at home with them but we just can't right now. Of course, if the price of gas keeps going up I'll have no choice but stay home! It's outrageous! Anyway, they'll have swimming, arts and crafts, basketball, etc.

Here are a few pics because it's been a while :)




More to come!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Not so good, huh?

Monday, February 4, 2008

So apparently I am not real good at this blogging thing. I am going to try to post more. Hopefully it works out.

I love my life - mostly. It's hectic. I have a 9 year old daughter, Jordan. She is in third grade, she makes good grades (Star Roll all year so far), she loves Hannah Montana and she plays basketball. She is a good girl. She is a good helper. I also have a 5 year old daughter, Lauren. She is in kindergarten, she is doing really well (they don't have grades in Kindergarten), she plays basketball and she loves to make anything. Give her a paper towel, glue stick and rubber bands and she will make something out of it. She is a good girl too. I have a 5 month old baby boy, Shane. He has been my most difficult child. He was the hardest pregnancy and the most difficult baby. He doesn't sleep well and he has a terrible temper. I love him with all my heart.

I love all of my babies. I don't know what I ever did before I had them. Sometimes it's crazy trying to get to all of our activities. I am PTA co-president and I work full time so I am a busy momma. Today is Monday so when I get off work I will go pick up the kids, go home, feed the dogs, fix supper, start homework, put the towels that I washed this morning before work into the dryer, make sure everyone eats and then start baths. After baths I will lay out clothes for the kids for tomorrow and make sure their homework is put away in their backpacks. Then I will put them to bed and check email. After everyone is in bed I might start another load of laundry then go to bed myself. I know this is not more than any other mom has to do - I am just so tired. I feel like I can never get caught up.

I didn't want this post to be a "downer". I want to keep track of our lives and the good and fun things we do. Maybe the next one will be happier.