The adventures of Crybaby, Whiny Butt and Brat Boy!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Bad blogger!

I can't believe it's been almost a year since I updated this blog. I meant for this to be a sort of digital scrapbook. Memories (of my kids mostly) all organized and neat. I have alot to catch up on and while I realize that I will not be blogging daily as some of my favorite bloggers do, I will try to update more regularly. You've heard that before, right? ;)

So coming soon - a catch up post to recap the last year and a preview of what is to come. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Please be in prayer for this sweet family. Baby Stellan was diagnosed with heart problems in utero but was born seemingly healthy. He is currently in the hospital and in need of prayers.

Prayers for Stellan

I can't begin to imagine what his momma is going through.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Me again

I promise to update about the kids soon. For now I want to tell you about another fundraiser - It's the Profound Pictures Prize Package! Seth is such a cutie pie and the money that you "Chip In" goes for such good causes! Check it out and get yourself a chance to win a great prize package! Good luck!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

This. Is. BIG!

Okay peeps - this is BIG, no HUGE! Remember that Raffle-Raiser I was telling you about earlier? Of course you do! Shelley has decided that if they raise $5,000 then she'll give away 2 - yes 2 Canon Rebel prize packs! THEN if they raise $10,000 she will give away 3! It's very nearly overwhelming! A $5 donation gets you one ticket, $10 gets you 2 and so on. THEN if you have a blog and link back to her post about the Raffle-Raiser, she'll match the number of tickets that you purchased. That's right! If you buy 10 tickets and post a link on your blog back to her post, she'll give you 10 tickets FREE! Seriously! It's just about too much to take! So get over HERE and click on the Chip In icon at the top of the page to help raise money for a beautiful family that is waiting to adopt a daughter from Korea. Get to it! The raffle-raiser ends February 2. The winner (or winners) will be announced on February 3rd. Good luck!

Now for a few pics:

Here's a pic of Shane's boo boo

Here's Lulu at Build A Bear:

Here's Jordan after basketball practice:

I will keep you updated on the status of the Raffle-Raiser. Remember, $5 dollars gets you a chance to win a 10.1 mega pixel Canon digital camera AND all of the money donated goes to help in the adoption of sweet baby Claire in Korea.

God bless!

Another Raffle

Well friends, one of MckMama's friends is hosting a raffle. Shelley is trying to raise the money needed to finalize the adoption of a beautiful baby girl, Claire, from Korea. Please go here to see how you can help this family and possibly win a super prize pack! Good luck!

Our family is staying busy with Upward basketball, batting practice for softball has started and there's always church, school work and PTA. It can be hectic! Anyway, I will post pictures later of the girls and Shane. He got burned at Papa's house a few weeks ago but it's healing nicely - thankfully. I was worried that it would leave a huge scar but I think it's going to be just fine.

I will have pics to post a little later! Have a great day!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Let's try this again

I really want to be more consistent with my blog. I enjoy reading blogs and I want to make mine enjoyable to read as well. I read about a contest that MckMama is having over here She has some of the cutest little babies you've ever seen. She is co-hosting a "Raffle-Way" so go check it out!

Good luck!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Time Flies

I can't believe it's already the end of August. It's almost Labor Day weekend. We have a busy weekend. Shane will be 1 on Friday. I can't believe it! We're having his birthday party on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday, my cousin is coming in from Montgomery and we're going to celebrate her daughter's 2nd birthday and on Monday, Labor Day, we're going to celebrate Jordan's 10th birthday. Can you say icing overload?!? I wanted to get the vacation pictures up here (since it's been over a month). I will update with pictures from 3 b-day parties sometime next week.

Here are my babies on the beach at Gulf Shores.

Here are my girls.

Here is Shane looking for something else to play with at the beach.